Thursday, July 11, 2013

This is me - Part Three

Growing up, teenage years:
*What activities did you participate in?  (Sports, dancing, music, arts, etc.)  Explain what you did with each activity.  
*How did you learn how to drive?  What kind of car did you have?
*Who were your friends? 
*Did you have a girl/boy friend?  Talk about him/her (if your spouse is okay with it!).
*What did you like/dislike about school?
*What was your first paid job?
*What were your chores at home?


1. Oh dear, I can't remember, I think I did netball until I was about 12.  We were in girls brigade, but can't remember how long that went.  I'm guessing not too far into high school.  We were pretty involved in church, so I went to the teen version of Sunday School and youth group.  Will have to check with mum on that front.

2.  I had a couple of lessons with one of dad's Kiwanis mates who was a driving instructor (luckily he wasn't a butcher - he was pretty good) then I was driving with mum and dad.  I was super keen.  Got my learners permit as soon as they changed the age from 17 to 16 and I was about 16.5years old when I got my L's.  My dad was EXTREMELY laid back about it.  I recall fairly early on that we got into the car and he got out the newspaper to read.  "DAD I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING YET, YOU HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION" 

A running family joke was my indicating skills.  We had a family holiday to Lakes Entrance, the streets there are very VERY long and very wide.  Very safe for learning.  Dad said, you have to turn right at Fish Street.  So I turned the indicator on to show I was planning to turn right.  The problem was Fish St was well over a kilometre down the road.  Even now if someone has accidentally left their blinkers on Dad will say "oh they must be turning at Fish St"

I got my license at 8.30am on my 18th birthday.  It was at the RACV in Box Hill.  Today driving in Box Hill is terrifying, so many cars, wide (as in multi-laned roads) and the fact that I managed to pass my driving test first time, in Box Hill during peak hour is amazing.

I used mum & dad's cars.  The first car I actually purchased was my bubble Mazda 121 (forgotten how to get images off the internet) all the extras and a spoiler I thought I was so cool.

3.  My friends were Kellie and Sonia.  Still friends with Kellie, we actually had lunch today (with 6 children - 3 were hers, 2 were mine and a ring in), we were not part of the cool crowd, but not unpopular either.

4. I got my first boyfriend (Andrew) when I was 16, we met at a church camp.  I thought he was wonderful - obviously.  I lived in Templestowe and he lived in Essendon.  Which is pretty close to where I live now and it takes 40 minutes to get to my parents house.  We were dedicated.  Travelled by train or bus to visit each other.  He lived with his father and brother, his step-mother and her three kids.  They had only gotten married about a year before I met him and they were a fiery couple.  Poor Andrew was not treated very well at all by his parents.  They didn't cook - he ate a lot of 2minute noddles and 10 minute pasta & sauce.  His parents screamed a lot.  I stayed with him for 6 years!  Yep until I was 22 years old.  He wasn't faithful to me, I let it slide a couple of times.. but we grew apart.  He remained my friend.  He got Marko a "being born" present.  I ran into him about a year ago during my lunch break.  He looks the same - dorky hairstyle and in the most politically incorrect way looks "gay".  He is married (I went to his wedding) with one daughter, Idalya who is around 10 or 11 now.

5. I liked school.  I liked hanging out by the lockers and having people walk over our legs.  We talked a lot.  Can't recall much else.  I always think back fondly about my school years.

6. Talk about nepotism.  My dad employed me as a courier when I was 18 years old.  He ran a pathology courier company - outsourced for a tiny little pathology company that got swallowed up when the biggies came in.  I had to collect blood samples from doctors surgeries on a Tuesday evening and my Saturday morning run.  I loved it.  Listened to RRR a movie show I think on the Saturday mornings - I heard his voice again recently on the radio and it bought back so many memories.  My goodness, I haven't done that job since 1992 and just looked at the Triple R radio guide and Film Buff's Forecast is still a radio show on Saturday's from midday until 2pm.  WOW.  That's been running for over 20 years!
Oh and Dad overpaid me, I got $200 per week.  My sister got the same money for washing the cars and doing something with the books.

7. Honestly... no idea on the chores front.  Help out would be the chore.

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