I shall commence this post with a portrait I took of me and Mark today. I wanted to do a family portrait, but Jamie wouldn't play. Yes I agree Mark has big feet!
Today - well now its officially yesterday was my birthday. I'm now the glorious age of 34!
Luckily I don't feel that age, but hey what does feeling 34 feel. I'm still younger than my mum was when she had me! Quite amazing that. So fertility wise I'm not yet on the shelf (no you didn't just hear that Mum). I'm only 4 years into my career and its all going well. Two weeks time I'm on holidays, can't wait for that.
My new year to me resolutions...
Take care of myself.
Not *worry* about my legs so much.
Have some fun (starting by going out with the girls on Sunday)
Prevent dementia by exercising for half an hour 3 times a week.
Think about learning a new language - which one???
1 comment:
Many happy returns for yesterday Christy!
I always wanted to learn French or German as a second language.. French sounds nicer. My sister's doing Italian at the moment and loving it..
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