Its lovely having Mark home again. Makes our family complete (as Tom Cruise famously said). The plan was to collect him from the airport and then go and play golf, well it was drizzling most of the day, so golf was off the agenda. We went to the workshop and Jamie worked on the boat engine for ummm about 9 hours. Mark got reacquainted with his dogs, we watched Djokovitch beat Federer in the tennis and then went to bed.
Saturday: Jamie returned to the shed to work on the motor. Mark and I went shopping for school supplies, it appears I was not thorough enough and he needed more. We also got a puzzle, 1000 pieces of a Holden SS Commodore which is REALLY hard.
Saturday was also Australia Day (or Invasion Day). Wikipedia states:
13 May 1787, a fleet of 11 ships captained by Arthur Phillip, which came to be know as the
First Fleet, was sent by the
British Admiralty from England to Australia, to established a
penal colony at
Botany Bay on the coast of
New South Wales, explored by Captain
James Cook in 1770. The settlement was seen as necessitated by the loss of colonies in North America. Captain Phillip found Botany Bay unsuitable and with two ships proceeded up the coast to Port Jackson, which he declared "the finest harbour in the world". The site decided upon for the first settlement was at a location where there was a potable stream of water, and some level land, unlike much of the steep and rugged foreshore. By
26 January 1788, the fleet was at anchor in Sydney Cove, the male convicts were unshipped and the flag was raised in the name of
King George III.
Australia celebrates this with a public holiday and fireworks. Newcastle had its fireworks on the foreshore, which is gorgeous. We thought of going into town by the train to save on trying to find a park and "doing the right thing". There is a station really close to us, I found the timetable on the internet, then I looked up the cost $6.80 per adult and $3.60 for kids. How ridiculous. $17 for a family to go on a 15 minute train trip - granted it is return, but that doesn't make it worthwhile. So we drove and found a really good park, had a snack of donuts and homemade lemonade from a Russian vendor. It was really nice and at about 9pm the fireworks started, they were lovely, but boring at the same time.
There was also a carnival in town - Mark wanted to try all of the sideshows, but we are horrible parents taht said no!
Today - Sunday and for something completely different we went to the workshop so Jamie could work on the motor. I'm playing on the internet and Marko is playing with Emily. Its STINKING hot and I hate hot weather.
We are collectively very sad that Adam Gilchrist decided to retire. More in shock actually, he's amazing and I love watching him play. Can't wait for the tennis tonight. really hoping that Jo-Wilfreid Tsonga will win - its the battle of the silent letter tonight. Tsonga v Djokovitch.