Sunday, January 22, 2012

Masses of photos

 Mark looking very cool, and quite grown up.

Benno, my little cheeky chops.
A nice stylish photo of our Skye.

Chaos at the Storer side Christmas dinner

Starting to open the pressies.
Mark helping Ryan open his presents - the look of delight on his face.

Daddy and Ben with a gorgeous soft dog that he got for a present.

Ben working out how to open the presents, Ryan's face is saying "what its not for me"

Mark and Margie, they gave him this lovely keyboard.

Cousins galore.  That's Roy with the antlers on.
Sheena and Ben saying hello.

Christmas Day hail... yes that makes sense.

The bigger picture of the Christmas Day hail.
Mark changing Ryan's nappy... yes it was a doozy.

In the "big boy" bed.
Another one of cheeky chops.

Hello... can anyone see me?
Ryan on the tramopoline.

Selfies happen early these day.  Ryan taking a self portrait.
The fantabulous lemon tree.

Our Tulla backyard.

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