Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Motility Land

I had a crappy day at work today. Started off with a message from my boss on the work answering machine at 8.15am saying can you call me when you get back - making a not to subtle hint that I should be at work, I thought I started at 8.30am... I have been told that I now work 8-4.30.. blah blah. She wants a "shake up" with my little clinic, I agree, but don't actually have much power, cos knowledge is power, and I don't have enough knowledge yet. But I was making phone calls all over Australia to find a supplier of the Digitrappers. Very annoying and it made me feel like a naughty kid and not a grown adult!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow is an online class with Kim that I am very excited about. I have 7 photos of Mark to do a page called "Celebrate You" It should be lovely, Kim is the artist I have copied the most. I think she is marvellous

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