Thursday, November 05, 2009


Trust me, I'm not doing very well.

  1. Baby's room is almost done (just need to get trundle bed out of the room), but the cot is set up, change table set up.
  2. Clothes washing is almost under control.
  3. Dinner for tonight is planned.
  4. My bed is made.

  1. Need to make curtains for the kitchen and baby's room, no enthusiasm to do it.
  2. Need to pack "going to hospital bag"
  3. Need to organise baby's clothes and give him a chest of drawers (ie finish kitchen)
  4. Need to vacuum / mow / clean bathroom
  5. Need to move telly out of bedroom so baby can have chest of drawers

Actually that doesn't sound too bad.

Today involves going to the physio... two weeks ago I fell over at Jesmond Shops and twisted my left ankle and most likely landed on my right knee as well. I remember the pain in my ankle, but residual pain in knee is worse. Well I was hoping it would recover on its own, but alas no. Two weeks later it still hurts to kneel, doing everything else is ok, but kneeling is a problem. This has potential to be a huge problem as I am due to give birth soon and really like the look of kneeling whilst birthing.

I want to finish up my curtains - the kitchen ones only need hemming, but my cutting technique is pretty wonky. Baby's room curtains need to be cut out and made from scratch.

I want to tidy up this office, its a total OH&S disaster. I'll allocate myself to be the OH&S officer for MyNetHost and fix it up.

I'm attempting to learn the family business, so that all of it is not on Jamie's shoulders. If I can answer the easy questions it will take the pressure off of him.

Hopefully our new camera will come today and then my blog will be more interesting with lovely photos. Yesterday we got our buffet for the kitchen. These two items are wedding presents :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The to do list isn't too bad - I'm sure you will get there :)