I'm all for a bandwagon. I'm usually pretty late to jump on. If I think its cool, it probably was about 6 months ago.
But this time, my timing is right. I got the Twilight books about the middle of last year. I read the first one in about 2 days. Couldn't put it down, dreamed about Edward, wished for a vampire to bite me to have a romantic story. To be truthful, couldn't stop thinking about it. It took over my day and night for a period of time. Luckily all four books had been released, so on finishing one book, I could rush out to my trusty BigW and get the next one. Loved the first three, HATED the last one. I felt it was TOO long, the characters got so boring and the relationship between Jake and Renesmee was just too creepy. Its quite funny, my sister is currently reading them, and she's on book 4 and finds it very tedious.
Anyway, when the first movie came out late last year, Jamie and I dutifully went along to it. Found it pretty good, embarrassing in places but a good romantic, melodramatic story. Got it on DVD and have watched it a few more times. To be honest I would prefer to re-read them, rather than watch it.
Now the world is in the midst of New Moon fever, it was released at midnight last night. Quite a few I know went to see it at the midnight screening. I think I won't bother until next week. My self esteem issues won't allow me to see a movie on its opening week. Don't ask...
I'm not expecting much from it, but don't think I could see it with true blue Twi-hards.
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