This is Mark with his Christmas Eve pressie (its a Lantz tradition, not a Storer one. Mark is still pleased he is a Lantz!)
The other tradition is Carol's by Candlelight. Loved the opening song, wish I knew its name. Bom bom bom bom.... don't you wish you could hear me hum, will make it easier to figure out the song I'm trying to figure out.
Next is leaving the snack for Santa! This is a little boy who is TORN - is Santa real or not, to be on the safe side... here is the milk and cookies - and a carrot for Rudolf. PS please excuse the lovely table that the snack is on, yes you are correct, its toilet paper! I really need a nice coffee table!
Next is Mark hiding from the camera.
Next is a super excited me! Sorry about the double chin folks, but its me in all of my glory, unfortunately I actually do have a double chin.
I'll post some pics tomorrow showing off our loot!