I menu planned tonight as I did an online shop, so need super plan to make it worthwhile. For some reason, I don't put that much effort into a physical shop, but one does not have to make sense, does one?
Tomorrow night a family sized meat pit that I found here
Friday is a slow cooked chicken curry that my friend Manola suggested
Saturday will be a risotto of some description
Sunday will be a roast of beef with all the trimmings (should I attempt a Yorkshire Pudding that I've always wanted to try??)
Monday will be steak and veg
Tuesday is savoury mince - something easy for Jamie as he ducks out to indoor cricket
Wednesday will be any left overs that are left over.
I attempted cake pops. I failed cake pops. Not enough cake, too much icing, too fiddly to roll in melted chocolate and the cook had NO patience. That is why I am not a decorator of cakes, happy to bake and simply ice, but not decorate. To be honest, I don't actually like the cake balls (I didn't put sticks in them, so they are not pops).
Now for a little rant about cake pops - they were made "famous" by a blogger/website called bakerella. I have nothing personally against this woman, she's actually quite ill, having a kidney transplant possibly as we speak. I think it would have been particualrly awesome to be her dialysis nurse, imagine the goodies! Getting back on track, her site is called 'BAKERELLA', which would infer she is a baker. So I went to her site to learn how to make these cake pops... the recipe was:
Packed chocolate cake, cook as her directions.
Tinned frosting.
Mix together and then blah blah blah.
Bakerella should be making cake from scratch. She should rename her site to a more appropriate decoraterella.com - phew, that has been on my mind for quite some time, feels good to get it off my chest.
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