I feel so unbalanced at the moment.
I'm super busy at home, always seem to rushed and unable to control everything. Then there is work. SO slow and so boring.
Home is noisy and chaotic. Work is silent.
Home is messy. Work is neat.
Ok that is enough of that.
Maybe its just post holiday blues, so far no plans for the next one. I need to plan another holiday, I want to plan my renovations but I can't see how the renovations will happen. Jamie is not home enough.

So excited to do my photo wall, found a good way to do it here. So much better than the other tutorials I had seen. Need to invest in a hot glue gun. I'm unbelievably excited to do this photo wall. I really really hope we can get our floors polished in the next month, then we can decorate the lounge room.
Lounge room is currently very ugly. Enormous dark brown curtains that are faded at the edges, the ugliest "sheers" you have ever seen. A revolting tv stand and furniture that is just placed very very wrong. We ripped the carpet up what feels like 6 months ago and we have had bare, unfinished floor boards since then. The old computer room will be our new dining room and its currently called "the playroom".
Plans for the lounge... nice ungathered sheer curtains, a new set of curtains - they don't need to be block out as the window faces the driveway and a fence. There is a small 50cm window that faces the front. I think I want a pale green curtain. I'm not a fan of pinch pleat as they don't stay uniform. We have a corner window and I dislike that the curtains don't meet. The current curtains extend over a meter past the actual window - I'm assuming for two reasons, for when the curtains are open you get the full extent of the window; and to give the impression of a massive window when they are closed. I don't want them to reach the floor, just delicately hang.
I want to hang the tv on the wall in a similar position to where it is now. Then I want a neat cabinet - maybe of that frosted green glass to house all the necessary electronic equipment. The DVD player, xbox, that computer that seems to live there. Make the cords go through the wall, so its not obtrusive. Not very sure how I want the furniture to go, might have to get a new set of eyes to look at that. I will sand our coffee table back to bare wood (its currently very scratched, stained and sadly painted with green paint) and re stain it in a darker colour and then polyurethane it. Nan's china cabinet will probably go back to its old home between the door and the window. The car mat can go into the boys room and I'm getting a square of carpet, hopefully a chevron rug. On the back wall I would like to put some sort of storage as our home lacks storage in a big way. I would really REALLY like a new light fixture, the one there is so ugly and old fashioned.
Plans for the dining room. Very excited about this. We've never had the table in that room before. Its off the lounge separated by a delightful 1970s archway. I need to do the window treatments the same, but this room has a big double glass sliding door - that we don't use.
I'll move the buffet to the wall that backs onto the kitchen. The dining table will go in and my plan is "that is it". One end of the buffet will be our bar with lots of interesting cocktail making stuff. Above the buffet will be my photo wall. I'll fill the entire wall with photos from the buffet up to the ceiling. I believe it is more than 300 photos. The thought of it makes me giddy with excitement. It should look spectacular. Every photo wall I've seen is amazing. It does leave a whopping big white wall on the other side. May have to make some home made art for that. I really wanted to paint my chairs a bright yellow, ala this. But Jamie says no :(, so instead I will make some chair pads, so they are more comfortable.
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